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discontinuity editing

(Last edited: Tuesday, 30 July 2013, 5:41 PM)

any alternative system of joining shots together using techniques unacceptable within continuity editing principles. Possibilities include mismatching of temporal and spatial relations, violations of the axis of action, and concentration on graphic relationships. See elliptical editing, intellectual montage, nondiegetic insert.


(Last edited: Tuesday, 30 July 2013, 5:41 PM)
a transition between two shots during which the image of first shot gradually disappears while the image of the second shot gradually appears; for a moment the two images blend in superimposition.

distance of framing

(Last edited: Tuesday, 30 July 2013, 5:41 PM)
the apparent distance of the frame from the mise-en-scene elements. Also called "camera distance" and "shot scale". Close-up and medium long shot are examples of terms referring to distance of framing.


(Last edited: Tuesday, 30 July 2013, 5:41 PM)
a camera support with wheels, used in making tracking shots.

drawing power

(Last edited: Tuesday, 30 July 2013, 5:41 PM)
The concept of the drawing power of the lens is a lesser-known and somewhat specialist term used in photography and cinematography.

At its simplest, the drawing power of the lens relates to how rapidly an object's furthest components fall away to the vanishing point of a shot, compared to those nearest. It relates to how angler the perspective of a shot it. If you think about a shot featuring a skyscraper, a lens with high drawing power would show quickly tapering tops of the sky scrapers, as the higher floors are further away. Thus typically wider angle lenses (those with a shorter focal length) have a greater drawing power than normal focal length or long (telephoto) lenses.

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