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absolute film

(Last edited: Tuesday, 30 July 2013, 5:41 PM)

a film that is nonrepresentational, using form and design to produce its effect and often describable as visual music.

abstract film

(Last edited: Tuesday, 30 July 2013, 5:41 PM)

a film that presents recognisable images in such a way that the aim is more poetic than narrative.

abstract form

(Last edited: Tuesday, 30 July 2013, 5:41 PM)

a type of filmic organisation in which the parts relate to each other through repetition and variation of such visual qualities as shape, colour, rhythm, and direction of movement. See associational form

academy ratio

(Last edited: Tuesday, 30 July 2013, 5:41 PM)

a term for standardised shape of film frame established by the Academy of Motion Pictures and Arts and Sciences. In the original ratio, the frame was 1 1/3 times as wide as it was high (1.33:1); later the width was normalized at 1.85 times the height(1.85:1)


(Last edited: Tuesday, 30 July 2013, 5:41 PM)

an old term for documentaries

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