The Learning Gateway is the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) used at UKfilmNet. It is based on the Moodle 'Course Management System' (, a free open source software package designed using sound pedagogical principles, to help educators create effective online learning communities. Moodle is distributed under the GNU General Public License.

The Learning Gateway provides a range of features for the delivery, support, administration and participation in teaching and learning activities.

The features include content delivery and collaboration between tutors and learners, such as:

  • Content creation or upload;
  • Discussion forums and chat rooms;
  • Messaging tools;
  • Activities & Assignments;
  • Monitoring of users' online activity;
  • Quizzes.

The Learning Gateway VLE is integrated with UKfilmNet User Records database to enable the creation of accounts for enrolled students and their allocation to the appropriate study areas. Other software and web services may also be linked to provide an integrated learning environment for staff and students.

The Learning Gateway VLE is defined as UKfilmNet's implementation of the Moodle course management system and all other content and linked software tools for the support and delivery of teaching, learning and research at UKfilmNet. Hereafter it will be referred to as 'the UKfilmNet VLE'.


Please note that UKfilmNet reserves the right to remove, vary or amend any of the content which appears onthe UKfilmNet VLE at any time and without prior notice.

Please also note that UKfilmNet VLE may contain links to other websites outside UKfilmNet's control and that UKfilmNet is not responsible for the content or accessibility of these sites.



The purpose of the UKfilmNet Site Policy is to specify user responsibilities and to promote the appropriate use of the UKfilmNet VLE for the protection of all members of the user community. The Site Policy applies to use both within and outside of licensed delivery partners.


Please note that users include ad hoc learners attending short courses where The Learning Gateway VLE is used.


    • All users must register to use the UKfilmNet VLE.
    • All registered users must agree to the The Learning Gateway VLE Site Policy and any other applicable UKfilmNet policies, including the IT Security Policy and any Partners Acceptable Use Policy.
    • These Policies cover the whole period that the user is a member of the user community at UKfilmNet.
    • On registration, users must give their consent to UKfilmNet's processing of their personal data via the UKfilmNet VLE and to acknowledge UKfilmNet's Data Protection Statement.


Users of the UKfilmNet VLE must agree to:

a) Not use the UKfilmNet VLE for anything else other than for the purposes of teaching, learning and research.

b) Not use the UKfilmNet VLE for personal commercial use, for example marketing or the unauthorised delivery of learning services without prior written permission from UkfilmNet.

c) Not use the UKfilmNet VLE for uploading, storing, viewing or transmitting any material which is (or may be considered to be) defamatory, inflammatory, discriminatory, obscene, offensive, or likely to infringe Copyright in any territory for which the The Learning Gateway VLE is used.

d) Not misrepresent UKfilmNet or bring it into disrepute in any way through the use of the UKfilmNet VLE.

e) Be responsible for moderating discussion forums which they may have created.

f) Always act in a professional manner. Be polite and courteous to others when using the UKfilmNet VLE. The UKfilmNet VLE is not to be used to libel, slander, or harass any other persons.

g) Not plagiarise in submitted postings or assignments.

h) Not breach the copyright of UKfilmNet or any third party by copying from the UKfilmNet VLE without written authorisation from /strong>UKfilmNet. Copyright of the course materials and content of the UKfilmNet VLE are owned or controlled by UKfilmNet unless otherwise stated. Any copies of third party materials will - wherever possible - be clearly labelled with warnings about any copyright restrictions.

i) ensure that any copyright material reproduced and loaded onto The Learning Gateway VLE conforms with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (as amended)( or with any licence agreement held by UKfilmNet, or has been made with the express permission of the rights holder. All reproductions must be fully acknowledged. or acknowledging reproductions.

Material not conforming to these requirements will be removed from The Learning Gateway VLE without warning or notification.


Users of the UKfilmNet VLE must agree to:

j) Look after their own username and password. Do not share your password with anyone else and do not use the username and password of other users.

k) Keep physical access to the UKfilmNet VLE secure. For example, do not login to the UKfilmNet VLE and then leave your computer unattended.

l) Not attempt to gain unauthorised access to any part of the UKfilmNet VLE.

m) Not post material which contains viruses or other programs which may disrupt UKfilmNet's systems or those belonging to partner systems.

n) Not upload private, confidential or sensitive material unless this is authorised by the owner.

o) Keep their own data up-to-date and secure.

p) Understand that UKfilmNet will not take responsibility for any loss of information, which has been posted on the UKfilmNet VLE, whether or not users cease to be formally associated with UKfilmNet.


Certain activities will be regarded very seriously by UKfilmNet and are subject to severe penalties for users, including suspension of use of the UKfilmNet VLE.

These activities include deliberate interruption to the use of UKfilmNet VLE; gaining or attempting to gain unauthorised access to any part of UKfilmNet VLE or information stored therein; unauthorised disclosure of personal data; wilful or reckless infringement of any intellectual property rights of UKfilmNet or third parties; and the viewing, transmitting or storing any material which is (or may be considered to be) defamatory, inflammatory, discriminatory, obscene or offensive.



By agreeing to the following Data Protection Statement, you are giving your permission to UKfilmNet to process your personal data via UKfilmNet VLE for the purposes of teaching, learning and research. UKfilmNet will also process your personal data as part of the administration of your studies with UKfilmNet.

The UKfilmNet VLE is hosted in the EU. However, some aspects will be hosted by third parties under UKfilmNet contract. UKfilmNet and contracted third parties will deal with your personal data in accordance with the principles set out in the United Kingdom Data Protection Act 1998.


External users: on registering with UKfilmNet VLE, UKfilmNet will collect your name, personal or business email address and contact address. You may choose to add a photograph of yourself to UKfilmNet VLE if you wish.

UKfilmNet staff: UKfilmNet will collect your name and supplied email address.

The personal data collected will be adequate, relevant and not excessive for the purposes stated above.


Fellow users on your course and authorised persons, for example external examiners and placement supervisors, will have access to your name, email address, photograph and any discussion comments you make. You and your fellow students will be able to view each others' profiles.

Only you and person authorised or permitted by you will have access to your assessment information.

Last modified: Saturday, 23 April 2016, 11:03 PM