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cinematography | ||
A general term for all the roles of the cinematographer whose principle task is responsibility for all aspects of the visual look and style of the film. This include the lighting positioning and styles, and camera framing and movement. S/he may also be responsible therefore for the choice of lenses, filters and grip to achieve the creative, narrative and emotional audience response desired by the director. | ||
close-up | ||
a framing in which the scale of the object shown is relatively large, most commonly a person's head seen from the neck up, or an object of a comparable size that fills most of the screen. | ||
closure | ||
the degree to which the ending of a narrative film reveals the effects of all the casual events and resolves all lines of action. | ||
continuity editing | ||
a system of cutting to maintain continuous and narrative action. It relies upon matching screen direction, position, and temporal relations from shot to shot to give spatial and temporal unity between shots. | ||
contrast | ||
in the cinematography, the difference between the brightest and the darkest areas within the frame. | ||