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M |
mise-en-shot | ||
the design of an entire shot, in time as well as space. | ||
mixer | ||
1. The person or role involved in mixing audio or video signals (the location sound mixer, or the vision mixer when applied to the role of the person responsible for mixing live video feeds during a television studio production) 2. The equipment used to mix (usually but not exclusively) audio signals from a number of sources into a single output (stereo or otherwise). This is done using channel faders. The equipment is either body worn, desk mounted or rack mounted. | ||
mixing | ||
combining two or more sound tracks by recording them onto a single one. | ||
mobile frame | ||
the effect on the screen of moving camera, a zoom lens, or special effects shifting the frame in relation to the scene being photographed. | ||
monochromatic colour design | ||
colour design which emphasizes a narrow set of shades of a single colour. | ||